
ok I can wash over epoxy but not bodywork? How do I get it clean in that stage(prep for primer)? I will get some of the Dupont 3901. Would I need an additional sealer over my epoxy paint(Zero Rust) or can I just go straight to color? Thanks for all the help...sorry for soooo many questions but that is how you learn, without too many mistakes.

Anyone ever heard of a shelf life for paint, even if it is kept in a temp controlled envoironment? Thanks

blow off car, prep wipe, tack, prime. Most paint systems suggest you use "their" sealer prior to top coats. Not sure on zero rust products but most epoxy primers I've used have a re-coat window check the specifics on their products on whats required. Catalyzed paints are photo-reactive(think that's what it was called) so anything that's been opened for a good length of time is suspect, if it doesn't properly catalyze you have a real mess.

The best advice I can give you is to follow the paint manufactures guidelines , most have info sheets available, they have it scienced out to achieve decent results, some of the info posted in this thread I don't agree with such as over reduction of materials and excessive flash times can lead to problems such as delamination , die back, solvent popping, and a less durable finish, much better to learn to paint the materials as designed.

Last edited by wicked; 11/25/11 11:23 PM.