
ok ...

so far we have 2 guys at -3


First theres a problem with your info.

The two guys that gave you -3 are Correct When using your 2* UP Tranny angle and 5* Down Pinion angle.

For the Tranny angle you have a single mesurement of 2* UP! But for the Pinion Angle you have 3 Seperate Down measurements.

5* , 9* , and 10*

With the 5* measurement being taken off the "Yoke Cap"?? I take that to mean you measured off the universal joints cap seated in the pinion yoke.

Im going to guess/assume that, that measurement is a error. And the correct measurement is closer to 9* or 10*

But , I will list All 3 pinion angles for the above numbers with a 2 * +/Up Tranny angle.

Tranny--------Pinion------Pinion angle--

2*Up----------5* Down-------=/ -3* Down

2*Up----------9* Down-------=/ -7* Down

2*Up---------10* Down-------=/ -8* Down

Any of the Above Tranny/Pinion numbers if Correct will Represent your "True" "Pinion Angle" between tranny and pinion centerline.

EDIT; With your shaft 4* down and pinion 10* down that = a 14* Driveshaft/Pinion angle, but a Actual 8* Tranny/Pinion angle relationship with the tranny being 2* up. Confusing I know!

The Ujoint by "Physics" is designed to work best under load at a Parallel driveline angle. But lets not Forget its name. "Universal Joint", It peforms best within Parallel plane parameters but will work beyond those perimeters as well.

Last edited by Sport440; 04/16/11 01:32 AM.