For what it's worth.I went in the 8s on 02&03 springs back in the day.We had to run leaf springs.You had no control of the car.One pass on the bumper,next spin the tires.I put ladder bars on the Dart when KOS rules allowed them and never looked back.The Cal-Trac bars were not even out then.
Now when all the stock suspension classes poped up I built and drove half a dozen cars.All in the mid 8sec range.What a difference you can really tune the car to what you need.If you like leaving on the bumper than you can.You like to keep the front end down then you can.
No more broke bent up junk a$$ springs.So can the SS springs work yes.Can the Cal-trac help the car yes!!!!!It may be over kill on this guys car but it will be the last time he buys springs.And for the record I will never put a ladder bar on a car again!!!!!!!
Thanks Lenny