

The problem seems to be most Mopar guys who race want to do it on a low budget. Which is ok if going fast is not a real concern. Ford and chevy dominate because there is an endless supply of aftermarket parts. The ford and chevy guys are not running stock parts. If more mopar people were willing to buy aftermarket parts like blocks,heads, etc. There would be more available and at a cheaper price. If mopar or Kent built 500 blocks each per year and W8, W9, P5, and a selest few others were easily attainable then the market would be flooded with them. Kent would not need to make another block for years. 90% of them would be collecting dust in some Mopar guys shop. W8 heads are about as good as any head out there by any manufacturer. If canted valves are legal in your class then the P5 should be as good as any other brands. P7's are good as well but the block is the weak link. The market is based on supply and demand. If the public does not demand it then the manufacturers wont supply it. I agree with Mike. The W8/R/3 is not odd. It needs some updating perhaps. But until Mopar guys realize a Q4 headed smallblock will never compete with the vast array of aftermarket ford and chevies out there. You guys need

I disagree. Everyone likes to say mopar guys are just cheap. Well, the reason there is no aftermarket is because there is NO demand, that we can agree on. The issue is why is there no demand? Is it really just as simple as "mopar guys are cheap"? Or is because Chrysler corparation hasnt made one decent, light, affordable, well suspended, rear wheel drive that houses these particular engines since the Nixon administration? People with cash wanting to get into this hobby dont wanna mess with old rustpiles. Especially when you can go to the craigslist and pick up a clean fox body for well under 10k. And less body choices means less demand for the engines. Open up a car trader and count the camaros and stangs made thru the 90's. People are still messing with those because they can still be had without rusted out floors and shag carpet on the dash. Yes, w8's, all mopar smallblocks in all configuration are oddballs compared to the other guys. They probably outnumber us 200 to one, and that isnt gonna change because mopar cars are getting rare. If dodge did what Ford and Gm did in the last two decades, there would be scads of mopars, aluminum blocks, and 400+ heads out the wazoo like the others have AND NEW PEOPLE getting into mopars. Guess its just more fun to say mopars guys are cheap, all 3 of us left.

Pretty much true. It's a catch 22. Manufacturers won't make something without a demand, and buyers won't buy something unless it's real. Guess what, it's happening again with Gen3 and LSX. You can bolt together a killer LSX combo out of a Summit website, but with the Gen3, you have to know the inside handshake, be willing to fabricate and then risk being runner-up. I just don't get it. Tough for this 35 year Mopar counterman and racer to state.