
HMMMMMM well it seem you have opened a can of you know what now everyone want to know why you like this cam over this one and so on man i just don't get why some can't let other make there own minds up.?? But i bet after you answer someone will not like it.!

Something just got my attention on this thread , from what i can gather the OP likes the 509 due to the reliability & not having to bother messing with lash settings................well , i ran a 605" 68 charger on the street with a solid roller 288/294 , this motor was driven to the track , put through it's paces & driven the 130 miles back home , made over 10k street miles & probably still going strong (sold it) , had bundles of fun with this car on the street & not much would touch it when it hooked , just saying you don't need to run hyd cams for reliability............couple guys on this thread have asked why the OP does'nt like the cam he is running , the answer was he does'nt like the noise , correctly set up there should'nt be any 'noise' , just trying to help the OP out that's all.