

thanks for the info
my Hemi 99 isnt done yet so im not real sure where HP and TQ will fall.
it will be at Pro Stock specs. and now my matching sheet metal intake is legal other than i can run only one carb on this deal.

i was checking out the new Big Bo's
any one you know Monty running one of these ?

I will be doing some dyno work with Mike Laws, Bo's son, in the near future. The engine has one of these new carbs on it. I expect it to work well. I myself, like the two blade design, much better than the large single blade design that is out there.


will you do a comprasion between them and a regular dominator (4 blade) ?
please ! update us when you go to the Dyno with results.
from what ive read they are supposed to be a awesome setup for N/A combo's
thanks Monte