

Well, it's really a pretty simple process of elimination. If you remove the stud from the oiling pedestal and you see a foot tall shot of oil shoot out then you know you're getting a supply of oil from the cam and through the block/head passages.

The next thing to check is if you remove the stud and replace it with a bolt does it change anything? Is the o.d. of the stud bigger than the o.d. of the bolt where the threads end? Also need to check the shaft holes to make sure they're all open and that there's no obstructions inside.

Also I saw you mention that it's not possible that the amount of adjuster out of the rocker is causing a problem. I disagree as I've seen this cause the exact failures you're encountering. If the adjuster is too long out of the bottom it can fling the oil off before it ever makes it to the cup. I know it seems impossible but it happens. It's kind of rocker specific as different rockers oil differently. Some will provide enough oil no matter how long the adjuster, and others will smoke cups if the length isn't perfect.

Not enough oil coming out of the back of the rockers at this point for it to be a length problem...as far as I can tell.

With the first set of rockers, as I said I had 3 different lengths of pushrods and the oiling didnt change a bit. I also swapped adjusters to see if it made a difference, it didnt.

As far as the bolts, studs, etc. Ive had stock bolts in it, socket head bolts and now studs.

With the current configuration (rockers, studs, shafts, hold downs, spacers, etc) it has the least amount of flow.

72 RR, Pump gas 440, 452s, 3800 lbs, Corked, ET Radials,. 11.33@117.72. Same car, bone stock 346s, 9.5 comp, baby solid. 12.24@110.