I heard rumors half-dozen years ago about repro sheets but did not know it was you. Now that it is out in the open you are darned right I take exception to what you are doing! I am calling you out right now that you are not a true Mopar guy if you would even consider offering these fake/bogus/trash Broadcast Sheets even to people who just want copies of thier original sheets for protection! It makes no difference why you are doing it, and your ethics are a HUGE reason why you would make these available. True Mopar people will be judging your actions from now on because we now know what your true intentions are! Please go comiserate with your GM buddies and leave us the he11 alone! I am done for the night, please carry on convincing yourself that what you are doing is fair and ethical...

Last edited by Rhinodart; 04/26/10 10:53 PM.

The funny thing about science is that if you change one miniscule parameter you change the entire outcome to the way you want it.

JB Rhinehart, Realist

A-Body's RULE!