
....and no good reason to make them...

Hi Scott,
I actually agree with the quote above but have trouble with a linear train of thought as it relates to this industry. I manufacture MANY products that require licensing and approval from the BIG THREE. I can't understand the backward logic and the inconsistencies in the way many people feel.

When I reproduce VIN decals the customer wants them to look exactly like the original. If I am even a hair off in the appearance, it is not acceptable! These items carry federal implications with regards to their importance. I also am licensed to manufacture Monroney labels better known as Window Stickers. It took Chrysler over a year to finally grant the approval to do these. When I reproduce them, the customer expects them to look exactly like the originals with ALL the proper information. I am exclusively licensed to manufacture the seat-belt labels. My customers expect those to have the exact detail that the originals possessed. Just recently you and I have worked on the Carburetor labels and alternator diodes for these cars. Again, absolute factory detail and appearance was a mandate for these items!

Of ALL the items I mentioned the Broadcast Sheet is the LEAST significant with regards to actual "documentation" and legal importance. As a hobby we restore the vehicles to look and represent EXACTLY what rolled off the assembly line. How can EVERYTHING revolve around the same theme of looking "EXACT" but then one piece of the puzzle is viewed in a different light? I realize that Broadcast Sheets are considered to be this "holy Grail" but by whose authority? Is the golden rule really what it is or should it be changed to "WHO EVER HAS THE GOLD MAKES THE RULES"?

Don't you find it odd that those who make a living from all of this documentation are also the ones who made the rules that Govern it? The Window Sticker and Invoice carries far greater importance that the Broadcast Sheet. I realize that they all possess information a slight bit different from each other but those documents (window sticker & invoice) are truly federal documents! The Broadcast sheet never was considered a legal document! This hobby unofficially/officially deemed it as such!

The "establishment" used the Build sheet for official documentation because they realized that their market (and $) would be considerably smaller if they relied on just the WS and Invoice as the major source for proper documentation. So what happens many years later? We tear these cars apart to fix them up and what do we discover? The "trash" that was left hidden by the employees from the assembly line. Since 98% of all people (back then) threw away things like the Window Stickers & Invoice, the powers to be decided to make the Build sheets the "new" accepted documentation of choice! It would have been difficult to build their business on the rarity of the Window Sticker and Invoice paperwork......wouldn't you think? So they make some rules and get everyone to suck into the idea and notion. And what do you know.....it just so happens to fall in line with the expertise and services they provide. Wow....what a coincidence! It is the classic case of, "If you build it.... we will come!"