I spent some time today once again bending the arm of the latest sender to reflect a half tank of gas.

What a pain.

At least I knew more or less how I needed to bend it this time....

I wont know if I have dead spots for sure until I actually run a full tank now. And I wont know if the full reading is OK or not (before, my bending resulted in a full reading waaay past the usual full mark).

I have tried the ohm;s test/sweeping the arm......I think I mentioned that in the first post.....the last one I detected no dead spots but had them anyways.

it could be that my tweaking induced them as was suggested.

That said, my main concern is why these senders are so off....I mean, showing a empty tank when its half full seems to indicate an issue...after searching a bit, I have found that its (thankfully) not just me.

Some folks seem to have great luck with the senders working the first time....then others have the same issue I am....

So, what is the difference?

All I can figure is there is some difference in the tank itself....maybe the dimensions are off?

Dobie, maybe we can compare notes....what year/model car are you working on?

I dont have any cross country trips planned, but I do have a couple of 300 or so mile trips planned and knowing how much gas you have is always a good thing, even on short cruises...LOL

At least I know that at half tank I have a half tank left....LOL