I'm the first to admit that I'm a hack, and have no body skills at all--what little I do know, was self taught.

my full quarters from goodmark are still in the box, and they will sit there until i can pay someone to do it for me. I hoped that the full quarters would be a better starting point than the skins previously available, and better than having to fabricate it all by hand.

I worked at a resto shop for a bit doing mechanical work--rebuilding suspensions, engines, etc. and watched them fabricate entire sheets of metal to patch up a car because nobody is making anything for them--1955 Packard Carribean convertibles...you either have a donor car to cut from, or you make the metal yourself.

40 hours of work and all that they got replaced was maybe 5 or 6 square feet of floor panels. that would equate to nearly $2500 for the customer to pay simply to replace floor sections.

imagine how long it takes when replacing quarters on those cars, with all those curves and creases!

**Photobucket sucks**