

Mines already done, just didn't expect one to go on fine and not need much then the other need a good bit of work. Still better than patch panels, but wish they fit a little better!

Just curious 70Chally was it the right side that went on with out much work? Clonedcuda and I just test fit the right quarter on his project and it seemed to fit fairly well to me, but then again I'm used to the junk we used to have to chop up and beat into submission.


The right side definetly fit better. And this car had bit hit some on that side, so was suprised it did fit so well.

Like the post above says, don't expect to just install them, weld right up and be done. They need alot, not sure they are worth it over the patch style panels are not. I prefer to keep as much of the original metal as I can. Leave the gaps, etc... factory.