
I could try and chisel a groove and spit it open, but aren't they a tough steel to work with? A cutoff wheel would work a little better, but the chance of going too deep and scoring the carrier ends to me seems too much of a possibility.

Personally, I cut into the race with a cutoff wheel, then use a chisel in the cut to split it.

You won't score it if you're careful.

If you score the carrier, it is really not a big deal. The race doesn't spin on it, it is pressed on. A mark in it will not affect it. Just make sure it isn't burred or it'll stop the new one from going on properly. Touch it up with a few file strokes, and it should be fine.

You can try the welding thing, but the inner race is pretty hard stuff. I guess as long as the race comes off when you done, then you've done it right.