
This thread has been very, very informative.

I have a question, though. I believe my rim blow is original from a low miles 1970 Challenger. What appears to be the original chrome tape stripe around the outside was half on and half off. However, what was there seemed to be encapsulated in thick clear plastic that created a bit of a convex surface above the wheel edge.

Have others seen this as well as it seems to conflict with other info on this thread? Or perhaps it is different by model?

I've been experimenting and had some success with an inexpensive DIY approach to recreate the look of the clear plastic on top of the chrome tape stripe. But now I am wondering what is original and what is not.

You are correct the "chrome" band around your E body blow rim is Chrome (Plastic) Mylar tape, and a heavy clear finish over the tape is the norm on Blow rims, the stainless bands in discussion thru out the thread is in reference to the standard A and B body 3 spoke woodgrain wheels

There are some steering wheel restorers that do install a stainless steel band on Blow rims, but that's not OEM, the Mylar plastic Chrome tape can be had thru Trimbrite or other tape mfgs/bodyshop supply stores, there will be a groove of some depth when you clean out the tape stripe and clear overlay....it's up to you how you handle the details, generally when I do a blow rim wheel, I dig all the tape/clear out, then use an epoxy 2 part thick filler, and fill the groove flush, sand to blend in to the front/rear halves, as the Mylar Chrome tape is a very thin film tape, the Chrome tape is applied after the woodgrain is restored/recreated and the back half of the wheel is painted black, then I spray a few coats of clear, let dry for a few days, and then knock down the gloss off just the woodgrain face with some scotchbrite, then finish off the switch install, I like to see quite a few coats of clear to embed the Mylar Chrome so it doesn't get palmed off from driving/use
