The paint you need for the spokes is called PPG Metal Finish. It's over $200 a quart plus you have to use their $100 reducer. Then you have to clear it. It's not cheap but it is worth it. Refinishing the spokes is very similar to any typical body work. Any scratches, pitting etc. must be removed or filled, prime, block, paint, clear. Let dry for several days before masking.

Here are the steps you need to take, in order: First Remove the old rimblow switch. Clean out the groove. It must be 5/16 inch wide and the recessed areas must be clean. Clean the wheel with some good plastic cleaner. Don't use lacquer thinner as it will melt the plastic. Sand the entire rim with 320 grit. Clean out any cracks, cut out to have room for your repair material. Clean the crack again with plastic cleaner. Fill with your material, let dry per manufacturers recommendation, sand level. Cut your desired grain in. Mask off woodgrain and spokes. Prime and paint black. Let dry for several days. Unmask woodgrain and finish with color. Install outer chrome pinstriping. Clear woodgrain and stripe together. Install switch and pigtail. Remember that the rimblow switch is very delicate and can be damaged very easily. There is no repairing it once it's damaged. Remove masking from spokes and you're done.

Another thing to keep in mind when you're doing this yourself. Take your time. If you hurry or cut corners, you will be disappointed in the final results. Also, most repair materials you can buy off the shelf usually will not last very long. If you subject your wheel to extreme temperatures, the repaired areas may reappear.

We have the switches, caps etc. for your rimblow or 68-70 woodgrain wheels. If you need any help, let me know. Good luck with your project.


Painted spoke rimblow wheels.
