Funny, me and a friend were discussing this very thing the other day. I'll tell you right away that I've been thinking of a big block and I won't lie about that. I haven't been ashamed all this time though to have run a 360 in my 68' Charger. I just want more, and I also want bragging rights of a big block in my Charger.

All along though, alot of people have asked me why in the world my B-body has a small block????!!!! My first answer is simply: that "well it had a small block from the factory" which was in fact a 318 2bbl with a 904 and 2.76 open 8 3/4 rear.

At the time, I wanted to keep it simple and keep my current tranny, current driveshaft, etc, and not even worry about new mounts or anything, except to externally balance a new convertor and then bolt in my 360 and GO!

My mild 360 with around 400 horse and now 4.30 SG runs 13.999 at Bristol and the altitude at that track adds a about a half a second to EVERYONE'S quarter mile times. Plus I floated the valves a couple of times when I didn't shift it in time (all excited my first time out on the track)!!!

After reading this post I might just keep the ole' 360 in there for a while now and save some money for now. PLUS: It just runs really good and super friendly on the street. Hope this helps. Good Luck in whatever you decide.....

BTW, I've had my 360 in the car since 99. 10 years of fun small block driving in my "big heavy car".....

Last edited by 68Bullit; 11/16/09 10:31 PM.