So now we know that if we want to have the best fitting set- Fine Lines over Inline Tube.

But, there is one observation that I did make that pours a little cold water on this discovery.

The Inline Tube cables seem to be manufactured of a better quality of materials.

The color of the metal on the sheathing is darker on the Inline tube cables and the cables seem much stiffer. When I unwound the intermediate cable from the Inline tube box, the cable just about straightened itself all out in a line. The Fine Lines intermediate cable tended to just "flop around". If you wanted to make it straight you had to hold it, whereas the Inline Tube cable was much more rigid and seemed to be of better quality.

Same deal with the sheathing. Much darker(looks more like an original part) and the way the sheathing is "rolled" looks more finished on the Inline Tube part.

Here are a few more pictures. The Fine Line cable is at the top and the Inline Tube is at the bottom. Click on the Attachment and blow up the picture and you will get an idea of what I am talking about.