Well, the North East Ohio crew came armed with knowledge and strong backs. With help from 2 guys with 3.5 hour drives also,the 12 of us involved ourselves with a "how to" seminar of epic proportions, and we all walked away knowing a little bit of what's in that crazy head of FourgearSavoy. He not only was able to show us how to do the install, but why and where to do what was needed. Besides, he's a full time certified mechanic as well..

Before I start, if I forgot a step or you see something I typed was way off, please add your details, so this can be a perfect reference for future projects.

We started off examining the said project car,a perfectly clean and painted, 71 Satellite Sebring Plus. It was the perfect candidate. Several years ago, I set out to do this to another car. So I started gathering parts. First call was to Brewer's Performance. They had everything, and I mean everything in stock for the conversion. I then purchased the 23 spline, dual shifter padded tranny from Dave Johnson of Syracuse, NY at the Norwalk show 3 years ago. After I found the Satellite in Reno, Nevada, I started getting to the nitty-gritty of setting up the car how I wanted. In talking to dozens of friends and Moparts member's, I concluded I was going to go with the CenterForce Dual Friction clutch package. For some reason I thought it would be cool to go with an aluminum flywheel. I had worked out a deal with Jamie Passon at the Nat's last year, and he sent it out to me. I went with an 11 inch setup because of parts found, and never thought an 11 inch flywheel would only have 130 teeth. I needed 143 and quick. It was 5 days until the install, and had to make the decision of
1) Swapping everything over to 10 1/2 inch
2) finding a billet 11 inch flywheel,BUT, in doing this, TTI says you have to "dent" the headers I have of theirs. That sucks.
3)Moparts Member RobbMc chimes in and tells me he's engineered a mini-starter that is made to clear TTI headers, and will work with the 143 tooth, 11 inch flywheel.
#3 was the winner, so I contacted Passon to work another deal on a Billet 143, 11 inch flywheel, and ordered the RobbMc starter. Jamie Passon cme through in a pinch, he got the flywheel , somehow, from someone and got it to my house by Friday Morning !! RobbMc sent that beauty starter immediately also.. These were the final parts I felt I needed for the complete 4 speed conversion. Here are most of the parts I started with, not including the trans, pedals, starter or correct flywheel.

Ok, so the men start showing up , Sat. morning. FourgearSavoy was going to be running the seminar, so I made sure he was happy. He brought along his good friend Fireman Rick. We started inspecting parts and we got to work. Fluffy and Katfysh then showed up, each driving over 3 hours each to get to the show. Notacharger and NorthcoastMopar were right behind them. Northcoast brought along an incredible carb-plate device used to tilt the engine when needed. The Jim500 Sr and Jr show arrived just as we began our day..even Fran and IMBILL swung over to eat some soup and chips.