
Just curious but why would I get a new flywheel? I know the steel one is stronger but I won't be doing anything more than smoking the tires now and again. At least that's my intention. Likewise with the idea of a scattershield, I don't think the engine will go above 6000 rpm so it didn't seem to me that it would be that big of an issue. Am I wrong?

I'm running a stock steel bell housing on mine. By rights I should use a scatter shield but I was trying to keep the outer appearance as stock looking as possible. Because of this I wanted to make sure that everything under the bell housing was very unlikely to blow apart. That's why I went with a steel flywheel and explosion resistant pressure plate.

Incredible centrifugal forces are generated even at idle. The flywheel is about 40lbs and clutch another 15 lbs. You could do the math and figure out the forces, but if they let go they will go through the bell housing and floor and anything else in it's path. At 6000 rpm, nothing short of a scatter shield will stop it.