Not sure I agree with this article about Beef cattle and shortages of Colorado River water:

Not sure I agree with recent hour long PBS TV show claiming
it takes 10 gallons of California irrigation water
to grow 10 single tiny almonds,
and that 8 of those almonds are then exported out of the USA to foreign countries.

I am confident that it would be a good idea to offer a
$5,000,000 prize
for best plan to transport seasonal excess flow Missouri River water
through underground porous rock layers
to the Colorado River watershed.

Start of such a plan would be a prize of $100,000 to get amateur geologists
to search & identify a natural water spring somewhere in the Colorado Watershed
whose spring water can be somehow traced to a source in the Missouri & its Tributary rivers watersheds.

Might be worth similar prizes to get Columbia River water through porous rock layers to Colorado watershed.