Whisky is for drinking
and water is for fighting over.

... allegedly said by Mark Twain

The land beneath the Great Lakes is supposed to keep “tilting” toward the south east which will eventually cause the water to drain away,
although some argue that there is a crack in the continent beneath Lake Superior that is too deep to ever drain completely.
One prior Great Lake is believed to have already drained away this way.

There have been massive long lasting droughts out West,
and they were not caused by man burning fossil fuels.

Elon Musk has a lesser known company called “The Boring Company” that wants to build parabolic subway transportation systems,
but could shift to building a tunnel between the Mississippi and Colorado watersheds.

The 30+ mile railroad tunnel in Switzerland shows what could be done.

I did a Masters at the University of Newcastle because the Mining School head there, Scottish Professor Potts, was the long time advocate for building a tunnel between England and Europe. Professor Potts also wanted to mine coal from Scotland out under the North Sea, then set up oil drilling rigs in the coal mines to drill down to the oil deposits deeper down.

China has been connecting its major rivers to send the water where some humans want it.

China intends to use its huge military tunnel systems to survive a Nuclear war that it will start.

Sap is the French word for a small mine or tunnel.
In English, a “Sapper” is a specially trained soldier who can use explosives, originally in tunnels to collapse castle walls.

Stable, honest, money used to be considered so important that only miners were allowed to mine a metal that would be used as money.