I’m 90% with you at this point but I do want to quickly explore cutting the piston. I have access to machinist just not an automotive machinists, which means I have to tell them exactly what I want - width and depth. I sent pictures and talked with one of them and he indicated that what I was asking appeared straight forward and that he would need to make the tool to do the cut. I am actually taking him a piston Monday just to confirm. I have had them do quite a few parts for me over the years and thus far everything has worked great. I do see where this one has a much larger window for error. After he looks at them in person, I will have a better feel for whether or not I want to venture down this road.

I think I am going to go ahead and order a set of rings, worst case I return them. So if you guys could point me in a good direction for rings (both a full set and a 2nd ring set) that would be helpful, plus having the ring in hand may help with the machining decisions. If If I order today, I can more than likely have them by Tuesday next week. My goal is to start assembly next weekend be it a new 2nd ring on an untouched cylinder or all new rings in a honed cylinder or something in between is still up in the air.

Will something like this my best bet?


'75 Plymouth Duster
Phase I 451 906/590/2-660 10.75/126
Phase II 451 Stage VI/590/1050 9.82/135
Phase III 383 906/Victor-Pump gas 11.30/119

"For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God,"