I drove that car about 100 feet and in the trailer one time, my dad 72 demon I'm talking about. To look at the carb linkage with 1 to 1 on 8 barrels and just think about putting it at 7500 and dumping the clutch is .........well you cant put it in to words. To think his job everyday was to get PAID to match race that car 3 to 4 days a week is hard to imagine.

At the bank:

So what do you do for a living?

"Well I drive a hemi with 2 fours 4 speed with a dana 4 days a week." The banker says, "No not for fun for money."


Racers today have no idea what is was like back then. They loved what they did and got paid for it. No 500K + rigs, no stringers the racers would talk to you on request, (or at least Herb would).

Have a good day.

Herb McCandless Jr