Originally Posted by moparpollack
...... It amazes me how many people make work their life.

I agree. Wish I had someone tell me to quit working for someone and do my own thing SOONER!!!!!!!!!!!!! Why does high skool and college teach everyone to become a slave to "the man"?!?! I'm not saying it's easy but MANY of the small business owners I know make $250-$500k/yr; plumber, cement guy, HVAC guy, etc. Unless you are a doctor, partner in a law firm or senior managment at a large company, that just isn't obtainable (cept maybe the lotto). I literally KILLED myself designing and programming industrial automation and robots. The deadlines were unreal. 2AM service call across the country to solve the impossible before the next shift started while work piled up back at the office. I would literally get calls while I was out of town asking when I'd have a design or program done BACK AT THE OFFICE. For $130K. THAT WAS BS! No that was STUPID!!!! Last 75 degre days here in Detroit were Wed and Thurs. I took them off and didn't even have to beg for permission.