Originally Posted by Michael Ecks

I think I tuned out Drunkle Tony the first video I stumbled across. He sums up something I hate, which is old timers feeling entitled to being experts just because they are old timers. Times change, companies change, technology changes, etc, you've gotta keep up, can't just expect the same answers from 30 years ago to still be correct and relevant.

I've not had any major problems with parts that I can think of, none worth complaining about anyway. Anything I buy, I research first. I'll look up parts on Rockauto for example and cross reference the part numbers on Summit, Jegs, Amazon etc to check out reviews and comments. I learned a long time ago not to make purchase on name brand alone. Maybe the Moogs and Edelbrocks all relied too much on their name while they were outsourcing production of their parts overseas while keeping their name brand pricing. I've had good results with parts from companies I'd never heard of before but had good review ratings and positive comments.
So I don't think everything is defective, so much as some people's purchasing philosophy is defective.

Don't know much about Tony as I haven't had a lot of time to do much of anything but work and come here to relax a bit (that will be changing soon smile )
I agree with a lot of what you said thumbs, but will make the following comments:
Do keep in mind, along with age comes wisdom
Correct, But quality shouldn't have, but in many cases has
I do the same, but be aware there are companies that "for a fee" will "BLANKET" post reviews for a product
I'll agree again and say it really P's me off that they do so, especially on pocketing the difference realmad