My older daughter (now 19) got her temps right away, got her license right away. We bought her a car to drive. Several of her friends don't drive, so she's often tapped for rides, and they give her gas money. I made a deal with her that she can keep half of what they give her, and the other half goes to me, since I pay for her gas. I actually come out a little bit ahead, and she gets some $$ in her pocket. She goes to school and has a job, and wouldn't be able to do the things she's doing without being able to drive.

Younger daughter (now 14) is indifferent about driving, but she'll still get her temps next year and start working toward getting her license when she's 16. She knows that her mom and I aren't going to shuttle her all over the place, that we're not letting her ride with other kids driving, and that using rideshares will cost a fortune that she doesn't have.

Earning every penny of that moderator paycheck.