The last company I worked for I was hired to replace a manager who had only been there a few months. He was fired on the morning I was to start so our paths crossed and as he was walking by he said "good luck". The office was a mess indicating he lacked organization and people said he 'd spent a lot of time outside smoking. HOWEVER, three days into the job and I knew I'd be gone in about 2 years. Why? Because the company had a 50% per year turnover of admin staff. I was gone 26 months later. And while I did make a lame effort to find employment my heart just wasn't in it. That was 2006. Since that time I started three small businesses, the sum of which earn me a decent wage while also giving me a lot of freedom and free time. I sold one of the businesses a few years back. I'll be 70 this year and I could continue with the remaining two for probably another five years but my wife retires in a couple months so I probably won't continue too much longer. If you have a skill set, some initiative, ambition and a few smarts, nothing beats being self-employed.