i've tried a couple of the fbo kits. the first one started out great but over a short period of time i started to experience rough running and a difficult hot start. i went back to my LX101 box and the engine smoothed out. i never figured out exactly what the issue was but i always wondered if shooting 14.5-15 volts constantly at the pertronix coil that came with the kit was the issue for a street car,.... confused. i now run 10 volts to the same coil and the engine is smoother. i put another kit on my other car and the box LED kept blinking which meant something wasn't right. don at fbo thought it was the wiring harness to the box. i changed the harness but never put the fbo box back on to test it. i'm not slamming the fbo products because i've had good luck with their stuff before. for me i might have wasted $400 on two kits. ignition gadgets, no matter who makes them (and i've blown a lot of money on them), just aren't a good substitute for a good tune-up.

Last edited by lewtot184; 06/24/22 07:55 PM.