confusing is an understatement, to start off it had a weird noise when hammered in 3rd gear like it was trying to go into reverse 3500miles on the whole drivetrain, I pulled the tranny out and had it checked out by Darrin from this site he said the tranny is perfect and asked what b housing was on it I said it was a Lakewood he said if its not a drag car anymore put a stock back on as the Lakewood tolerances are wacky from the getgo then run a dial around the b housing so I took the Lakewood off and got a used stock one from brewers used the old stock dowels and I had a-26 at 12 I talked to the people at robmc and they recommended .014 offsets so that is whats currently in it now and I've turned them dowels every which way but loose I have at least 18 different pics of the readings and which way I've been turning the dowels, the directions that came with the offsets say the dowels have to be positioned at the same offset angle I've tried that way at 12, 3, ,6 and 9 and the bell does not even fit on, and the 340 was line bored so I'm sure bell needs to go up, the closest I've been is from the picture I've posted