I'm building ptfe lines for the 541. The hose ends are quick and easy to pop together. However, it seems to take longer to trim the stinkin nylon braid than to assemble the rest of the line.

Is it always a pain or is it just the DW line I'm using?

I tape the cut line and shear the hose. Then, I use a razor or X-acto knife to cut around the nylon. It's easy to feel the blade cut the nylon and drag against the steel braid.

That's where the fun starts. The blade cuts down to the steel but doesn't get in the lows of the steel braid and I end up taking 10 minutes twisting and turning the hose while trying to get the rest of the nylon cut. After trying several different approaches, I settled on a tiny pair of fingernail scissors to get the resistant strands cut.

What method do you guys use?

We are brothers and sisters doing time on the planet for better or worse. I'll take the better, if you don't mind.
- Stu Harmon