I was talking to Ryan aka Auto Archeologist here not long ago about his barn finds channel and he said he’s lucky to get $100 from an episode.

I'm no YT guru, but based on my observations, I think a lot of what is holding Ryan back is the quality of his filming. He's got the cool subjects, he's got the knowledge, but the video quality is lacking. As an example, on his videos, when he does the voice over at the end, the sound all but goes away. Gimbals have gotten cheaper. Using Randy at AAR as example, you can see a difference in quality from the time he started to his current videos. Hell, even Tony has gotten better. Ryan? Not so much.

Again, just my observations, I'm no guru. I would love to see Ryan's channel get as big as Randy's or even Hoovie's. If I've offended, it was not my intention, and you can tell me to go F*** myself.

For what it's worth.



The dream is dead, long live the dream.......😥