Tough finding a good woman. Like a couple, I was single in the 90's. What I found was that once you turned about 27 most of the good ones were married and all that was left were the head cases. And there were a lot of head cases. At 32 I married my wife who was 25. Perhaps due to the age difference and experience, she didn't even think of running me. We just get along fine. Honestly I think there must be some hormonal thing because the number of head cases out there is unreal. Oh, and the only time I ever tried being super nice and attentive, I was mowed right over. Heck, the wife or I don't ask each other for permission to do anything. Perhaps we just know what would push things too far.

67 Barracuda FB 69 Superbee "Southern Maryland: If you want a good looking woman, you had better bring her with you"