I turned 40 in August.

If I'm being honest, I've slowed down a lot. Certainly can't do what I used to when I was 18. I probably couldn't even keep up with my 30-year-old self.

Being about 315lbs complicates matters somewhat.

Heart disease, alcoholism & diabetes runs in the family. Mums' oldest brothers' heart blew up when he was 43. Her next brother (literally) dropped dead mid-sentence at 63.
My knees aren't shot but they don't like to move as much as they used to. Back gets quite sore doing even basic things and I get winded quite easily.
Oh, I have some sort of Kidney disease too.... nefritis? I don't remember (nor do I care) anymore.

I'm fat.
I'm ugly.
I'm unemployed.
If I dropped dead tomorrow, nobody would even notice.

Other than that, I'm perfectly all right! realcrazy

At least the sense of humor still works.

Bloody Mary, Full of Vodka, Blessed art thou among cocktails....