I say get it driving and enjoy it. I love that Coronet body style very much by the way. Do you have kids? I ask because some of my kids favorite times they still remind me of is when they were strapped into the 5 point harness in my old Dart. Even in a car seat. The memories made are priceless. No kids that's fine as the memories made just driving the car will last forever. Stay simple on the build. Nothing better than nice cool weather. Put the windows down and enjoy the thrum from the motor. Don't need AC, fuel injection etc. Getting thumbs up everywhere you go is nice. Having teenagers come over when I filled up the tank with the trunk open just wondering what the hell? Then they wait around for me to fire it. Blows their mind. grin

P.s I ran 3:55 gears. Was awesome to pass another Dart on my way back home from Mopars in the Park on I-35. He was tached out at 60mph. That motor was buzzing!! eek
I was at 75mph. I believe 3200 rpm.

Last edited by Schultz62; 08/25/21 05:50 PM.