Thanks for the detailed steps. I had considered at one time trying to adjust the box in car, but from what I understood at the time was you had two adjustments to do (using rotational torque) and the adjustment on the top of the box (the easy one) was last in the process. Not sure where I read this....thought it was in my old Motor manual but I didn't find it at a quick glance. Anyway the first adjustment seemed darn difficult to do in vehicle and I didn't have the means to measure the low values of torque called for.

Your procedure is clearly simpler. And I am guessing you have used this with success??

At this time, the LCA and tie rods are off the vehicle. I could put the pitman back on temporarily but there is no way to check the end result from a driveability standpoint. I have had the car for about 22 years and it was much better long ago. The wheel goes smoothly lock-to-lock, so I don't think the top adjuster is too tight or adjusted while off center. Perhaps something has just worn more and now it was too loose?

I suppose I could put the new parts in, and hook up to the box after your procedure. But if the box needs to come out, then I have to separate everything again (and I know a pickle fork is not the best for re-using parts). Do you think the impact of your procedure would be evident by just observing the pitman arm behavior?