Originally Posted by TJP
recently had a Customers Charger in with Schumacher mounts and a Magnum force front K frame suspension. Took quite a bit of re work on the mounts ( primarily the R side, passenger) to get it centered and level. It was so bad the R valvae cover was jammed against the shock tower.
Welcome to my soon to be ex world. Customers don't always understand that these KITS are kit's to aggravate your bowels LOL.
Keep looking or get another set of competent eyes to help. Sometimes one gets too close to a problem to see the solution , keep us posted beer

Had something similar happen when I swapped a SB for BB on my M body. I bought the Schumacher mounts and couldn't get the motor sitting correctly in the K. It kept wanting to angle towards the passenger side. Turns out I had bought the incorrect mounts. They had a factory replacement type kit for 70's cars that had a BB from the factory and used the spool mounts, and a retrofit kit to go to BB from SB with the spool mounts. Whoops.

1987 Fifth Avenue - 512/518/D60