Originally Posted by Jim_Lusk
Originally Posted by jcruse64
Jim, I'd try to find a provider that can offer you more than one mask style to try, and could also try to "fit" you in their office.

I and my wife, dealt with me NOT dealing with it for a few years, to the point I'd scare her at least one night a week over stopping breathing. Climbing blood pressure, and waking up nearly every day with a pounding headache and throbbing neck, and I finally caved and tried it. Really glad I did, it has done wonders for me. I am a very restive sleeper, and go from side to side and on my back all through the night, always have been. I got the 6' hose, and this keeps me from disconnecting, and I rarely have any issues.

No reason to. The mouthpiece does the trick and I can sleep in any position. Cleaning it is also much easier than all the CPAP parts.

Wait, what??? I'm supposed to clean something?!?!? smile