After a bunch of shift point testing, I ended up shifting 1-2@6000, and the 2-3@6500.
That was using an 8” converter with 5400 flash stall. The 1-2 shift came really quick.

There wasn’t any real magic in the shift points with my combo, but the early 1-2 shift was a couple hun quicker than 6500...... even though it didn’t “feel” quick shifting it like that.
It “felt” awesome shifting at 7k, and the motor pulled up there effortlessly....... it just wasn’t as quick on the time slip.

With 5400 stall, that’s the lowest rpm point for the whole run after my foot hit the floor.

If the springs are still close to spec, I like the 1.825” IH plan.

68 Satellite, 383 with stock 906’s, 3550lbs, 11.18@123
Dealer for Comp Cams/Indy Heads