Originally Posted by RTSE4ME
Originally Posted by 73DAD
Originally Posted by not_a_charger
Originally Posted by SomeCarGuy
A buddies wife is in the family furniture store business. She gets up at 2-3am to buy whatever she can from a distributor that releases them at that time. It’s been tight but they do get things regularly doing that.

We ordered new furniture on 7/4/2020. Received it in November. 2 of the pieces had incorrect trim. Replacements were ordered the next day, and we were told we'd receive them "probably in April."

I live in a town known for building furniture. One of my buddies is a materials purchaser for a factory. Apparently, the material used for the masks is the same material used in the furniture business to cover the bottoms of sofas & chairs so they're constantly hunting down alternatives to use. They've had shortages on other building materials as well. He also said they had record orders last year & they're backlog is outrageous.

They can't build them as fast as usual at time when orders are through the roof!

This is interesting I know a few people who sold their houses this year and couldn't sell their used furniture They ended up giving it away.
Most of the furniture was well taken care of and high end expensive stuff. I guess nobody wants used furniture. The good news is I refurnished my house for free.

More than likely its because of bed bugs. Not that the people had them it's just been an ongoing problem reported in the news. I had some nice stuff and even the Goodwill wouldn't accept them. The cited because of bed bug problems in the area.
