I live on 10th St NE in my little one horse town. For years, about half the time FedEx has dropped my packages off at 10th Ave NE and when I discovered this their reply always was that I had to file a claim. Luckily in a small town I could just go over and retrieve my packages. No amount of complaining has ever changed the way FedEx handles my address so I tell anyone shipping anything to me to NOT use FedEx. Well, I bought some material from a firm that uses only FedEx. So I stressed to the representative that it has to be 10th St NE.

Guess what? Last night I get a call from FedEx (caller ID) with no one on the other end. They were trying to send a text message to a landline. So I call them back and the representative tells me that they have a package addressed to....wait for it....10th Ave NE. I lost it and started chewing on the representative with great vigor. After ranting we hung up and I settled down a bit. About ten minutes later another representative from FedEx calls me about the same item. I told here this has happened before and I'm getting tired of it. So, in a snotty condescending tone she proceeds to tell me that I should be more precise in giving FedEx an address. Now I'm screaming at her.

Did I mention I hate FedEx?

"We live in a time when intelligent people are being silenced so that stupid people won't be offended".