For the mph i ran the car is slow by .264 seconds in the 1/4. It is slow compared to the Walace calculater for 154.32 mph by the following.
60 ft .085
60-330 ft.094
330-660 ft .057
660 -1000 ft .026
1000-1320 ft .020

It really gets rolling at about 1100 feet and the accwleration graph shows it.
Couple of possibilitys. Bad airflow into the throttlebody, or fuel aireation. But the fuel preasure is rock steady on the graph. So,,, gotta be airflow plus maybe too much rpm on the 1/2 shift, as there was a definate drop off just before the shift. Other ideas?

Last edited by gregsdart; 09/05/20 10:50 PM.

8..603 156 mph best, 2905 lbs 549, indy 572-13, alky