Originally Posted by Neil
I think the younger group was pushed into the import cars because it's easier to get a car payment and modify a running car vs buying an old car. The old cars in their price range would be rough and need serious help. Add in the fact that a lot of those guys likely had limited tools and knowledge and it was easier to buy something new. How many older guys would even give a younger guy parts or advice with an old car project? Not many I know of.

Girls that age are going to hang around with the guy who has a nice paint job and stereo vs the kid with a primered old car, no ac, scruffy interior, etc.

not to mention the parts availability of those imports. still parts in junk yards at decent prices, can walk into any part store and get parts for them without having to order them... tons of aftermarket support too..

bottom line it is what they were brought up on, were handed down to and could afford.. and man do they support their hobby too. i'd drive by atco raceway on a muscle car day and it was crowded but on an import day they were lined up for a mile in each direction to get in.. the crowd blows away the muscle car crowd..

It's better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you're stupid than to open it and remove all doubt.
