Restomod for me! I'd much rather have a late 60s or early 70s with a good body and a modern drivetrain, modern steering and handling, and modern brakes then anything all original. I was there in the 70s (i'm 63 years old) and drove that stuff back then, and I was modernizing brakes and drivetrain even back then.

I think the new Challengers will kill any of the 70s E body cars unless they are the top of the line cars, if they haven't already.
I think the exotic cars have another 10 or 15 years (unless the do away with gas) before the market is just no longer there. Prices of anything less then top of the line, or simply strange factory offerings will continue to drop.

If your "investing" in any car these days, it better be for your enjoyment, or I suspect your not going to be happy with your return on the investment. Might be OK for a short term, maybe a couple years, but long term isn't going to work. Gene