Hi all,

Sorry I have not provided an update on the Charger in a little while, it has been coming along lately and a lot of work has been done. I first want to start with the interior, the drivers seat is now out of the car and sold thanks to someone on Moparts, as I am also a member there. It was taken out of the car on Monday April 27th, 2020 and sold Tuesday April 28th, 2020. I figured I would double check the seat back to see if there was a broadcast sheet in there just in case, I unscrewed the bottom seat back screws and popped it open........Unfortinatley nothing, down. I however do think I may have found something under the passenger seat though, but not sure if it is a broadcast sheet or not. More on that in a bit. Here are a few pictures of when the seat was out of the car and before the interior was vacuumed out. Pretty disgusting. The very last picture is the bottom of the seat after it was out, good thing they make new foam for these......

seat out 1.jpegseat out 2.jpegseat out 3.jpegseat out 4.jpeg

If You Ask Me This Whole World Has Gone To Hell- Creed Fisher
Proud Supporter Of LGBT (Liberty Guns Beer & Trump)