Good morning everyone. I just figured I would post up more pictures of the engine, this time of the top half getting painted. This was done Thursday April 23rd, 2020. Below are pictures of it before the top half was painted. Note the cylinder head that we put back on in the first picture so we could paint the sides of those as well. Notice in the 4th picture that the valve covers are back on, they are there to protect the top of the inside of the cylinder heads. They will not be used on the engine though, the plan is to save them just in case we need them and put new chrome Direct Connection ones on instead. A few more to come.....

engine 1.jpegengine 2.jpegengine 3.jpegengine 4.jpeg

If You Ask Me This Whole World Has Gone To Hell- Creed Fisher
Proud Supporter Of LGBT (Liberty Guns Beer & Trump)