Update From February 8th, 2020. Unfortunately No Photos:

The gas tank came back from the shop cleaned out. My stepfather painted it silver and it is now back in the car. The gas tank I believe filler is being worked on as we speak as far as I know. I believe 2 rare rear bumper parts are painted as well.


The rear drum brakes are now rebuilt with lines and everything, they are going to stay drums while the front is getting disc.

Soon Future Plans.... Convert front drum brakes to disc. Lastly in soon to be spring take the engine out, still not sure if we are going to use the engine that is in the car now or another rebuilt one.

Otherwise that is pretty much it for now. Stay tuned until next time. I will keep all updated....

If You Ask Me This Whole World Has Gone To Hell- Creed Fisher
Proud Supporter Of LGBT (Liberty Guns Beer & Trump)