Originally Posted by Guitar Jones
Originally Posted by Pacnorthcuda
Wow.......now I understand why some people need to be told to isolate themselves, yet they can’t understand.

I know right? I guess the overwhelmed health care system, shortage of hospital beds, ventilators and the amount of people infected world wide in just a few short months just isn't enough to convince them.
What I want to know is, if as has been contended, this is no worse than any other annual flu, then why are hospital ships being pulled into ports on both coasts? Why don't we hear about hospitals being overwhelmed every year with annual flu victims? And I guess every country on the planet is over reacting as well and only a few chosen people know better.

This is a hugely exaggerated crisis perpetrated by people hell bent on transforming the world in a way that does not benefit anyone but the puppeteers.
Follow the money to see who benefits from all of this.