Originally Posted by Guitar Jones
Originally Posted by DaveRS23
A little perspective is in order. For certain individuals, this virus is a very real threat. But for healthy folks under about 54 years old with access to medical treatment, the fatality rate appears to be under 1%. In some studies, as low as .6%. Other Coronaviruses such as SARS have had a much higher mortality rate. The real issue is protecting and treating those who are at most risk of severe reactions to this. But for the vast majority of us, it is nothing more than a cold.

The following is not the only source of this information. Other reliable sources report similar rates.


While what you write is true the way I see it the real problem with this virus is how easily it is transmitted with a rate somewhere around 3X what the flu or other Corona viruses were transmitted. And that is the crux of the problem. With the ability to infect probably nearly the entire world population the mortality rate could be something like the human race has never seen before. Just look at how fast this has spread world wide. I know some believe this to be over blown but just think where we might be right now if none of these measures were taken. Think about it.

iagree 1% doesn't sound bad, until you apply it to 300 million people... This virus hit the sweet spot of highly contagious and a relatively high mortality rate.

If you ever find yourself in a fair fight, your tactics suck.