Wife and I went to the grocery store today. We live on the border of Detroit and drove about an hour north to more rural area (not country) to a large chain store. This is the 2nd time we've done this in a week. The store was WELL stocked except anything paper product or disinfectant. There were limits on 2 of most items like meat or water bottles. We bough $400 worth of food Thurs and another $300 today. We don't PLAN on going shopping for at LEAST a month. We both wore N95 3M masks from Home Depot (I have a few left at my shop that I use when handling fiberglass insulation) and black, nitrile gloves. I felt like I looked paranoid BUT I cant believe how many people, even though everyone was respectful of spacing, weren't wearing masks or gloves AND HAD YOUNG CHILDREN WITH THEM. I'm not paranoid and not afraid to die but at 57 I feel I've worked DAMN HARD for 45 years from a paper route at 12 to my own small business and I'd be PISSED to go drowning in my own fluids through no fault of my own. I don't drink (well an Old Fashioned every couple weeks) or smoke, could lose 15-20lbs but I am VERY physically active at work for 12-18 hours every day. Even today, Sunday.

Good luck to all that don't take this as serious. Prepare for the worst. Hope for the best.