Man, get a grip. You are really overreacting. Too much CNN, maybe.

Who is taking care of those isolated (like my 91yo father) now? The thing is, you take as many precautions as you can.

I'll ask again, what is statistically different about this Coronavirus? The only real difference is the hype. And the emotional overreaction displayed here. Nothing based on facts, just emotions.

My business is classified as essential. So, other than not being able to see my dad (which I understand), I have not had much inconvenience at all. So, having said that, am I still selfish? My concern is not for myself. At least not financially. We'll be fine. My concern is for what I see happening to friends and neighbors. And I can't help but ask, is it really necessary? You emphatically say yes. Me? I'm not so sure.

Master, again and still